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Submit New Directory Listing

Include your farm in our Online Crop Tours.

  • An email address is required for our records, in order to contact you about this submission.
  • This will be the name of your farm profile
  • Farm Location

  • Add youtube videos ID separated by commas
  • Farm Details

  • Images

    Ensure you are the rightful owner of the images you provide. Stock images obtained from other sources will not be accepted. Ensure each image is properly formatted prior to uploading. Only .jpg format will be accepted (no larger than 600px wide). File naming should include farm name & photo number (ex. FarmName_01.jpg). Ontario Soil Network reserves the right not to publish any images that are deemed unacceptable.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
    Primary image appears in the listing and in the heading of your dedicated page. Our placeholder image will be used if you are unable to provide one for us.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 499 MB, Max. files: 4.
      Additional images appear within the body of your page content. The layout of images will be left to our discretion. (Maximum 4 additional images).
    • Contact Details

      The following options will set up the contact/social media icons to be displayed.
    • Directory Category

      As our directory grows, we would like to know how you would like to see the directory displayed. Please provide your feedback.
    • Maximum 3 suggestions, separate using commas.
    • Maximum 3 suggestions, separate using commas.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Contribute to the news

    Submit to the News Network

    • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
      Images uploaded must have the proper permission of the rights holder. This is the main image representing the post. Format .jpg 1400px by 600px. Our placeholder image will be used if you are unable to provide one for us.
    • Enter the name of the author for this post. (Not required)
    • This will wrap the author name with a link. (Not required)
    • Additional Info

    • Please include your email, in case we need to contact you regarding this submission. *Email address will NOT appear publicly.
    • Help us determine new categories to add to our news network. Please provide at least one suggestion of which category this content should be added to, other than the currently existing categories.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Spotlight your video with us

    Submit YouTube Video

    Spotlight your videos with us.

    • Name or Farm Name
    • Describe in 5 words or less. Example: Bio-strip cover crops
    • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 499 MB.
      jpg accepted only. Image dimension: 150X150px
    • Example:
    • Please include your email, in case we need to contact you regarding this submission. *Email address will NOT appear publicly.